हालका कमेन्टहरू


John Berger
check grammar spaces and spelling please

hindi me kaise type kare nahi ho raha hai

William H. Rehnquist
How hasn't this bullshit been removed yet?

Thank you! I got my new highest speed on this one!


gretchen's उद्धारणहरू

सबै उद्धारणहरू

Paul Tillich
Language has created the word "loneliness" to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word "solitude" to express the glory of being alone.

Douglas R. Hofstadter - Hofstadter's Law, from "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid"
In the early days of computer chess people used to estimate that it would be ten years until a computer (or program) was world champion. But after ten years had passed, it seemed that the day a computer would become world champion was still more than ten years away ... This is just one more piece of evidence for the rather recursive Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.