हालका कमेन्टहरू

Billie Eilish
I wrote the same thing twice: this quote. It turns out, I had the same …

least deranged keyhero user

It's about trying in order to succeed, and not just for perfunctorily.

Alan Menken
Easy peasy, just have a mansion and servants!

Oh, I see. You're learning English as a second language! Keep it up! You'll get …


glodosky1005's उद्धारणहरू

सबै उद्धारणहरू

Michael Glodosky - High School
High School. What more can I say. It's unbelievable to look back and see how much everyone has changed. High school has made you who you are today. You've made friends, lost them, and realized who your true friends are. The people that have been there for you through thick and thin. You saw people fall in love, and fall out of it. People grow big and strong, and people crumble. And through all of it you made three lifelong friends, maybe a wife, and an incredible connection to your family.

Michael Glodosky - Make it happen
If you really want someone to be in your life, make it happen. Those who are there for you will be. Those who aren't won't be. It's that simple. Don't overthink your relationships.

Ted Mosby - Rush
I used to be in such a hurry all the time. Everything was so urgent. Now I figure, if it's going to happen, it'll happen, when it happens. I'm not going anywhere, she's not going anywhere. What's the rush, right?