izzytyper Isabelle Wederman

सन्देशहरू योगदान गरिएका उद्धारणहरू

Trend over 48 games.
रैंक 97026 / 334920
खेलहरूको संख्या 48
सबैभन्दा राम्रो खेल 76.65
हालको गति
अन्तिम खेलहरूको औसत
पुरानो गति
पहिलो खेलहरूको औसत
सबै समयको गति 49.81
हालको सट्स
अन्तिम खेलहरूको औसत
पुरानो सट्स
पहिलो खेलहरूको औसत
गति यो मा अभिव्यक्त हुन्छ WPM (प्रति मिनेट शब्द).
सट्सले देखाउँछ कसरी तपाईं टाइपिङ परीक्षणमा निखुट हुनुहुन्छ। १००% भनेको ० गल्तिहरू हुन्छ।


izzytyper 4 वर्षहरु,1 महिना अगाडि
My tip to improve your typing speed is to...
Not give up on your WPM goal because if you give up you may never achieve it. I worked hard to get my goal of 45 wpm average and I achieved it. I am working towards a 50 WPM average now. I will continue to work hard to reach this.
izzytyper 5 वर्षहरु,9 महिनाहरु अगाडि
Thank you so much.
user241035 5 वर्षहरु,9 महिनाहरु अगाडि
ok that's cool.
izzytyper 5 वर्षहरु,9 महिनाहरु अगाडि
What really helped me improve my typing speed is...
Not rushing to learn and memorize the keys I took my time and now I can type really fast. Don't rush and don't put pressure on yourself you can do it if you try hard but don't push yourself. (Do your best)
izzytyper 5 वर्षहरु,9 महिनाहरु अगाडि
My speed is 33.4 WPM what is yours and BTW I am not trying to fight with you I am trying to inspire people to learn to type faster and I am trying to inspire all the people and tell them that they are capable. Please don't yell at me I am just trying to help others
izzytyper 5 वर्षहरु,9 महिनाहरु अगाडि
Here is the proof,
<a href="http://keyhero.com/profile/izzytyper/?ba" title="izzytyper's typing test profile"><img src="https://www.keyhero.com/static//badges/1118/typing-test-335442.png" alt="izzytyper's typing test WPM" style="vertical-align:middle"></a>
izzytyper 5 वर्षहरु,9 महिनाहरु अगाडि
I am not faking here I will show you.
user241035 5 वर्षहरु,9 महिनाहरु अगाडि
i am taking a typing test.
user241035 5 वर्षहरु,9 महिनाहरु अगाडि
why should i tell the truth and i am not faking so why you think i'm faking.
notdomain119 5 वर्षहरु,10 महिनाहरु अगाडि
You should take a typing test on here so that we know you're telling the truth and not just faking.

हालका टाइपिङ परीक्षणहरू

A_N_O_N 64.50 95.0% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
Zhongli - Genshin Impact 58.91 90.7% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
Charles Brettinger 23.19 75.9% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
George Orwell 47.95 90.2% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
beanbagg 57.80 89.8% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
Moira Rose 76.65 98.2% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
Julianne Garcia 58.19 90.4% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
Sir Paul McCartney 51.46 89.4% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
Sun Tzu 63.06 95.1% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
Jorge Luis Borges 55.90 88.2% 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
I have had a goal of 45 WPM and I have reached this goal. You can reach your WPM goal by never giving up no matter how hard it gets, take mind breaks and you will reach your WPM goal.

<a href="http://keyhero.com/profile/izzytyper/?ba" title="izzytyper's typing test profile"><img src="https://www.keyhero.com/static//badges/1118/typing-test-335442.png" alt="izzytyper's typing test WPM" style="vertical-align:middle"></a>
अन्तिम लगइन 2 वर्षहरु अगाडि
मितिमा सामेल 5 वर्षहरु,10 महिनाहरु अगाडि
कि-बोर्ड / ल्यापटप Dell
कि-बोर्ड म्यापिङ QWERTY
कम्प्युटर प्रयोग 0-4 घण्टा / दिन
उद्धारणहरू 3



