hiramisu Risu.

सन्देशहरू योगदान गरिएका उद्धारणहरू

Trend over 3136 games.
रैंक 1368 / 334834
खेलहरूको संख्या 3136
सबैभन्दा राम्रो खेल 173.50
हालको गति
अन्तिम खेलहरूको औसत
पुरानो गति
पहिलो खेलहरूको औसत
सबै समयको गति 130.49
हालको सट्स
अन्तिम खेलहरूको औसत
पुरानो सट्स
पहिलो खेलहरूको औसत
गति यो मा अभिव्यक्त हुन्छ WPM (प्रति मिनेट शब्द).
सट्सले देखाउँछ कसरी तपाईं टाइपिङ परीक्षणमा निखुट हुनुहुन्छ। १००% भनेको ० गल्तिहरू हुन्छ।


slow 1 महिना,3 सप्ताहहरु अगाडि
When I first read your username, I thought it was tiramisu, just don't know how a brain of mine functioned to read. :p

also, I always wow at people about how they able to get above 100+ wpm. it's just amazing to look at it. :D (maybe I'm too generic.)

keep up the good typing! :3
and a happy early christmas! :D
hiramisu 1 महिना,4 सप्ताहहरु अगाडि
Weirdly enough, I type quotes to de-stress myself and wind down after a long day. Whenever I feel stressed out, I put all that accumulated energy into typing, and it takes some of that stress off somehow. I can't explain it, it's just oddly satisfying to me.
hiramisu 5 महिनाहरु,2 सप्ताहहरु अगाडि
For some reason, after taking a 1 month hiatus from typing, my WPM dropped by 20. I used to easily type 130 wpm, but now I can barely do 110. Dunno what happened, but it's really making me unmotivated to see basically 2 years of progress wiped out :(

हालका टाइपिङ परीक्षणहरू

Albert Einstein 135.39 97.6% 1 घण्टा,22 मिनटहरु अगाडि
Anonymous 139.01 97.4% 1 घण्टा,52 मिनटहरु अगाडि
Radiohead 125.35 95.6% 1 घण्टा,53 मिनटहरु अगाडि
Norton Juster 111.96 97.3% 1 घण्टा,54 मिनटहरु अगाडि
pRioS.. 144.18 97.6% 1 घण्टा,55 मिनटहरु अगाडि
Darek 126.93 97.6% 1 घण्टा,58 मिनटहरु अगाडि
Nathan Feuerstein 127.45 96.5% 1 घण्टा,59 मिनटहरु अगाडि
The Boy With The Cuckoo Clock Heart - Mathias Malzieu 126.88 97.0% 14 घण्टाहरु अगाडि
Tiffany Wyman 149.17 100% 14 घण्टाहरु,1 मिनट अगाडि
MIIA 129.55 96.0% 14 घण्टाहरु,6 मिनटहरु अगाडि
owie my head hurts :(
also why is my accuracy so bad now T^T
working on it tho hehe

'ello! This is feuv's (almost) nonquit account, all stats here are the true representation of my typing speed :o

My main: https://keyhero.com/profile/feuv/

If you wanna drop by and say hi, feel free to leave a comment :3
That's about all, peace ^o^

Oh and here's a bonus cat for you!
. . /\_/\
= ( • ^ • ) =
. . /___\
अन्तिम लगइन 1 सप्ताह,1 दिन अगाडि
मितिमा सामेल 8 महिनाहरु,1 सप्ताह अगाडि
कि-बोर्ड / ल्यापटप Lenovo
कि-बोर्ड म्यापिङ QWERTY
कम्प्युटर प्रयोग Too many घण्टा / दिन
उद्धारणहरू 1



