Sons and Lovers - D.H. Lawrence

This quote ले थपिएको छ malevolarky
In her person she was rather small and delicate, with a large brow, and dropping bunches of brown silk curls. Her blue eyes were very straight, honest, and searching. She had the beautiful hands of the Coppards. Her dress was always subdued. She wore dark blue silk, with a peculiar silver chain of silver scallops. This, and a heavy brooch of twisted gold, was her only ornament. She was still perfectly intact, deeply religious, and full of beautiful candor.

यो उद्धारणमा ट्रेन गर्नुहोस्

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नाम WPM सट्टाई
eventlogging 170.00 100%
strikeemblem 107.38 95.3%
prodigy5723 104.34 99.3%
user107450 97.28 97.0%
user80864 87.95 95.4%
shiesty_dyce 86.08 95.0%
user52638 86.07 97.8%
trishadgk 85.67 88.1%
bsmurthwaite 85.52 96.2%
user949982 85.51 96.8%

हालका लागि

नाम WPM सट्टाई
rkoh 84.77 95.2%
bsmurthwaite 85.52 96.2%
user80864 87.95 95.4%
stubbornlearner 44.92 97.1%
user107450 97.28 97.0%
jambeau06 44.28 90.1%
user949982 85.51 96.8%
joseimperial 54.67 90.9%