the Green Mile - Stephen King

This quote ले थपिएको छ mis_dis_l_usion
I dreamed he got down to that place Boss Howell talked about, that Mouse-ville place. I dreamed there was kids, and how they laughed at his tricks! My! I dreamed those two little blonde-headed girls were there. They were just laughing, too. I put my arms around them and sat them on my knees, and there was no blood coming' outta their hair and they were fine. We all watch Mr. Jingles roll that spool, and how we did laugh. Fit to bust, we was.

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user37933 129.26 99.6%
ilovejujubee 122.44 99.3%
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lytewerk 112.81 95.1%
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ivdet 61.50 94.3%
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