The Secret of NIMH - Nicodemus

This quote ले थपिएको छ kloudygirl
In the beginning, we were ordinary street rats, stealing our daily bread, and living off the efforts of man's work. We were captured, put in cages, and sent to a place called NIMH. There were other animals there, in cages. They were put through the most unspeakable torture, to satisfy some scientific curiosity. Often, at night, I would hear them cry out in anguish. Twenty rats and eleven mice were given injections. Our world began changing.

यो उद्धारणमा ट्रेन गर्नुहोस्

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नाम WPM सट्टाई
user871724 159.76 95.1%
rukimakino 136.07 97.4%
hackertyper492 132.36 96.5%
penguino_beano 124.00 93.9%
theprivateeye 120.19 97.2%
strikeemblem 119.83 98.0%
kenneth27 117.98 95.9%
user491757 114.91 95.5%
jaothejao 112.63 96.1%
surjeeoh 112.29 98.4%

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नाम WPM सट्टाई
user99861 32.29 90.4%
lwaller145 77.32 95.1%
galaxy.speck. 71.84 92.2%
user99861 52.20 94.5%
5unfl0w3r5 56.08 92.1%
thecrazydane2 59.73 88.5%
tsquared76 64.87 94.3%
nobleinfantry 83.45 96.1%