meaning of life - my bio teacher

This quote ले थपिएको छ 9o9
You matter. Love the world and find your gift. If you see darkness, you are the light. Beauty is all around you and takes many shapes and forms. Human resources are like natural resources, they are often buried deep and hidden from the naked eye. Life can be filled with anxieties, tears, and fears. Everything ends and everything matters. Be the person that you want to be. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what components create happiness. It is unique for everyone. Finally,.

यो उद्धारणमा ट्रेन गर्नुहोस्

[आर्काइभ गरिएको]
यो उद्धारणलाई मूल्यांकन गर्नुहोस्:
2.3 out of 5 based on 9 ratings.

पाठ सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

लेखक र शीर्षक सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

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वा केवल कमेन्ट छोड्नुहोस्:

आफ्नो कौशलहरू परीक्षण गर्नुहोस्, यो लिनुहोस् टाइपिङ टेष्ट.

Score (WPM) यस उद्धारणका लागि वितरण. थप.

यसका लागि सर्वोत्तम अंकहरू typing test

नाम WPM सट्टाई
am4sian 127.96 97.8%
hackertyper492 122.70 96.0%
zaoxa 121.01 96.9%
darrenoyp95 115.40 95.8%
scribop 111.90 98.0%
nishikorifan 105.53 98.8%
gordonlew 104.70 93.5%
ilovepotatoes 102.44 92.1%
pcapriotti 102.26 96.2%
applesonlsd 100.36 96.3%

हालका लागि

नाम WPM सट्टाई
user107920 35.65 94.3%
somerandomppl 90.63 95.2%
typeracer_0 79.38 94.9%
tsk7795 77.31 96.0%
user843630 70.59 96.1%
relsc 56.29 86.6%
bkbroiler 88.11 95.4%
billsrul120 83.20 95.6%