Hard Times - N.R. Branklin

This quote ले थपिएको छ blackbeauty
When I am having a really hard time and life is trying to get the best of me, I stop and quiet myself. I get into the mode of really listening to my thoughts. That's when I discover that the most awesome songs, paragraphs, sentences, poetry, and beautiful pictures consume and flow through my mind.

यो उद्धारणमा ट्रेन गर्नुहोस्

यो उद्धारणलाई मूल्यांकन गर्नुहोस्:
3.4 out of 5 based on 43 ratings.

पाठ सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

लेखक र शीर्षक सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

(Changes are manually reviewed)

वा केवल कमेन्ट छोड्नुहोस्:

weesin 5 वर्षहरु,2 महिनाहरु अगाडि
there should be a comma before and after "and flow through". Otherwise, this is a very good quote

आफ्नो कौशलहरू परीक्षण गर्नुहोस्, यो लिनुहोस् टाइपिङ टेष्ट.

Score (WPM) यस उद्धारणका लागि वितरण. थप.

यसका लागि सर्वोत्तम अंकहरू typing test

नाम WPM सट्टाई
user871724 167.68 98.3%
penguino_beano 163.12 100%
berryberryberry 158.17 92.6%
user491757 155.57 99.7%
69buttpractice 155.46 100%
seantype2510 150.42 99.7%
shariqueahmer 150.33 99.0%
fattied 147.33 98.7%
practicebutt69 145.07 98.7%
user960677 143.29 94.0%

हालका लागि

नाम WPM सट्टाई
user930022 48.63 91.4%
user105268 48.40 94.3%
user98091 51.37 97.7%
drtyrant 79.25 94.6%
msrlescharles 49.52 94.3%
user105268 47.85 94.6%
shawnsmith91 108.60 97.1%
peepeepoopoo6969 72.82 92.6%