Henry Rollins

This quote ले थपिएको छ preclc
I spend several days at a time without enough sleep. At first, normal activities become annoying. When you are too tired to eat, you really need some sleep. A few days later, things become strange. Loud noises become louder and more startling, familiar sounds become unfamiliar, and life reinvents itself as a surrealist dream.

यो उद्धारणमा ट्रेन गर्नुहोस्

यो उद्धारणलाई मूल्यांकन गर्नुहोस्:
3.4 out of 5 based on 64 ratings.

पाठ सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

लेखक र शीर्षक सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

(Changes are manually reviewed)

वा केवल कमेन्ट छोड्नुहोस्:

feuv 2 महिनाहरु,1 सप्ताह अगाडि
You. Yes, you. Go get some sleep.

आफ्नो कौशलहरू परीक्षण गर्नुहोस्, यो लिनुहोस् टाइपिङ टेष्ट.

Score (WPM) यस उद्धारणका लागि वितरण. थप.

यसका लागि सर्वोत्तम अंकहरू typing test

नाम WPM सट्टाई
ltfigs 142.47 98.8%
tecc 141.51 99.7%
2001or2 135.23 92.6%
che0063 132.23 96.8%
deejor 131.99 98.5%
hackertyper492 130.91 95.6%
stillow 130.90 98.5%
xingdom 130.88 100%
thorgott2 130.19 96.7%
applesonlsd 129.17 97.9%

हालका लागि

नाम WPM सट्टाई
trishadgk 104.91 93.4%
2001or2 121.14 90.6%
slaughtermelon 76.89 97.3%
rrapattoni 84.61 94.5%
deep.nkr 29.52 95.1%
realfaker 47.43 96.2%
astrid17 69.44 91.3%
tsukii 34.66 82.0%