Pain - Three Days Grace

This quote ले थपिएको छ ivana.
Pain, without love. Pain, I can't get enough. Pain, I like it rough because I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all. You're sick of feeling numb, well you're not the only one, I will take you by the hand and I will show you a world that you can understand.

यो उद्धारणमा ट्रेन गर्नुहोस्

यो उद्धारणलाई मूल्यांकन गर्नुहोस्:
2.5 out of 5 based on 20 ratings.

पाठ सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

लेखक र शीर्षक सम्पादन गर्नुहोस्

(Changes are manually reviewed)

वा केवल कमेन्ट छोड्नुहोस्:

आफ्नो कौशलहरू परीक्षण गर्नुहोस्, यो लिनुहोस् टाइपिङ टेष्ट.

Score (WPM) यस उद्धारणका लागि वितरण. थप.

यसका लागि सर्वोत्तम अंकहरू typing test

नाम WPM सट्टाई
user871724 177.50 100%
kjcmonster 128.08 97.7%
lotb777 119.10 99.2%
strikeemblem 117.90 96.7%
user94562 113.02 96.6%
user741147 111.26 97.0%
tetriks3 109.20 93.4%
giisu 108.33 96.6%
theodorebennett 107.59 98.1%
user484084 106.82 98.5%

हालका लागि

नाम WPM सट्टाई
slaughtermelon 94.14 97.7%
user851491 95.72 91.8%
hamchow 102.88 97.3%
user85179 93.86 97.1%
user107656 48.51 96.3%
user107800 65.07 89.2%
user94562 113.02 96.6%
user871724 177.50 100%