The Rumble in the Jungle - Wikipedia

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The Rumble in the Jungle was a historic boxing event in 1974 in Kinshasa, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo). Held at the 20th of May Stadium on the night of October 30, 1974 (4:00 am), it pitted the undefeated world heavyweight champion George Foreman against challenger Muhammad Ali, a former heavyweight champion. Ali won by knockout, putting Foreman down just before the end of the eighth round. It has been called "arguably the greatest sporting event of the 20th century"

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bypassfilter 77.82 98.2%
user58947 55.86 87.8%
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नाम WPM सट्टाई
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domoheartsu 45.05 92.6%
user59557 51.65 90.6%
user60486 52.19 95.9%
seagame2810 34.61 94.9%
user58947 55.86 87.8%