Day one. This. - My Mind.

This quote נוסף על ידי i_hate_myself
I wouldn't say I like my body since I despise myself. The scrapes and blemishes are what keep me rational. While this is my most unhappy low, they shout at me and say it's because I haven't been taking my prescription, but it's not that. I've never been fond of it here. I've always hated it here; I despise them. Maybe, you'd realize that I'm in too much distress daily. But you think I can't possibly be because I'm a child. But that's what I'll always be, nothing but a child.

אמן על פי ציטוט זה

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
jiggalee 153.15 98.0%
venerated 143.85 98.4%
forkhunter 142.70 98.2%
restspeaker 139.01 99.0%
user871724 123.07 94.5%
strikeemblem 120.75 96.2%
iltranscendent 117.51 98.6%
rivendellis 116.60 93.9%
kyle_w 112.78 98.4%
mafuso 110.40 97.8%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
user765319 55.94 97.2%
mnoland05 47.40 91.7%
rozzz 66.19 95.2%
jpmoul 74.73 96.8%
user89406 63.42 92.5%
jacqueline1234 104.00 95.6%
user292661 80.29 93.9%
sharpfinro 49.51 91.1%