Turtles All the Way Down - John Green

This quote נוסף על ידי liannaarica09
We never really talked much or even looked at each other, but it didn't matter because we were looking at the same sky together, which is maybe even more intimate than eye contact anyway. I mean, anybody can look at you. It's quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see.

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
typin_ 168.34 97.6%
practicebutt69 166.42 100%
penguino_beano 151.78 99.3%
user939249 148.21 96.0%
69buttpractice 146.86 98.3%
gbzaid 144.79 94.4%
ze_or 142.76 100%
berryberryberry 140.76 96%
user77961 139.37 93.9%
venerated 138.37 99.3%

לאחרונה עבור

שם מילים לדקה דיוק
reamerton 74.14 95%
prodipdas00 28.82 92.8%
user949982 93.82 96.6%
user206721 89.49 96.6%
user110315 56.08 94.1%
kyrwhit 60.03 94.4%
hellawildtyper 84.29 98.3%
cuh 115.29 94.1%