I'm Not Sorry - The Vampire Diaries - Part 1 - Damon Salvatore

This quote נוסף על ידי kaylaym420
I didn't say you were supposed to be okay with it, I just said I'm not sorry. But you know what I really am? Selfish, because I make bad choices that hurt you. Yes I would rather have dies than be human. I'd rather die right now than spend a handful of years with you, only to lose you when I'm too old and sick and miserable and you're still you.

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user871724 168.60 98.6%
typin_ 159.02 98.6%
lazytyping 158.71 99.1%
inw_typer 157.00 100%
hiramisu 138.90 98.6%
user491757 135.74 95.9%
vmlm 127.82 97.5%
dcb87 122.72 98.9%
strikeemblem 119.31 97.2%
npabs 115.15 97.5%

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שם מילים לדקה דיוק
user348838 47.36 91.8%
reagan2026 36.49 88.6%
saskatoonpie 77.33 94.3%
adriana-b 63.46 91.8%
user64690 79.54 96.4%
lazytyping 158.71 99.1%
sulpicious 69.18 96.7%
sulpicious 48.58 94.0%