Thoughts on "Haikyuu!!: vs Inarizaki" - Timothy

This quote додав(ла) tjapit
"If we keep holding onto yesterday, what are we going to be tomorrow? You only need one thing. Challenge yourself today." It doesn't have to be something amazing. It could be 1 extra push up, 15 minutes of working on a side project, 3 more squat jumps. Regardless, watching Inarizaki in action of their philosophy has inspired me to do the hard things. I hope that it can do the same for you.

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iltranscendent 97.51 94.0%
user110494 96.73 93.8%
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rrapattoni 82.52 96.8%
slaughtermelon 77.87 97.8%
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papalardo 63.66 92.2%

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rrapattoni 82.03 95.2%
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