Caramel Heaven

This quote ble lagt til av caramel_heaven
When humans are busy creating their own utopia, they created dystopias for others. Albeit not obvious upon first glance, but the impact is there, always.

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mrlinuxfish 4 år, 7 måneder siden
I couldn't find where this quote is from. It's attributed to the person who submitted the quote.

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johnymaccarroni 164.00 98.1%
destiny2 151.87 95.6%
moonbeams1221 148.58 99.4%
tang 146.69 100%
suikacider 143.66 97.5%
venerated 139.89 100%
violet12333 138.98 99.4%
10125chan 133.52 99.4%
typist_type 133.31 100%
user291759 130.61 99.4%

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mian_mohsin-ch 32.91 89.0%
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kobo 66.65 91.6%
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hellawildtyper 86.89 100%
magesh 80.94 89.0%
soaps 52.75 89.5%
typingqueenie 65.57 93.3%