Sales Mastery - Richard Bastar?

This quote ble lagt til av richard.bastar
I have recently learned over the last two years that everyone needs to have a skill. "What is your skill?" Sales is the skill that will help you in every facet of your life. Guaranteed. If you study every successful person, the one common denominator is that they know how to sell, cheers.

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dc_hardaway 4 år siden
This quote is trashhhh (no offense to the poster)
winchester2 4 år, 5 måneder siden
I don't disagree with the notion that sales can be a very valuable skill, but the idea that "EVERY successful person knows how to sell" is something with which I HIGHLY disagree and that idea is proven false by vast amounts of evidence.

Now, I would allow that maybe the validity my change depending on your interpretation of the word "successful" as that word is somewhat objective. You might have an argument if you subscribe to the juvenile idea that lots o' money is what makes one successful, but it is just that: juvenile.

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