Typing Secrets - Ambaji Rao

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von ambaji786
When we taking typing course, during initial stage all are typing mistakes with low speed. The secret behind to improve the typing speed is to reduce errors with low speed. Practicing the same principle for sometime, once you get the confidence, you can increase your speed gradually, it will improves your typing speed and at the same time your errors becoming less.

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getbetter-faster 11 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
The syntax needs a little work, but the idea makes sense.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 156.74 95.4%
strikeemblem 114.96 96.6%
paranoidminotaur 108.21 96.1%
user107966 105.85 94.8%
tjapit 103.23 98.7%
mafuso 103.22 95.6%
rrapattoni 100.75 98.4%
bweeta 100.61 99.2%
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lexervoid 70.92 93.2%
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user421490 71.46 93.1%
hellawildtyper 76.12 93.4%
machinist80 54.86 85.7%
liamcantype 38.17 96.8%