Reach the unreachable - Ayoub Ars

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user99134
The title of this quote may sound illogical at first, but think about it. If you try to reach the reachable you will most likely succeed, however so would anyone else who tried. In other words, there's no point in reaching what's reachable, so go seek the unreachable!

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dcb87 1 Monat, 3 Wochen vor
If you try not to starve to death, you will most likely succeed; however, so would anyone else who tried. In other words, there's no point in not starving to death.

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user871724 175.90 97.5%
jiggalee 151.96 95.7%
berryberryberry 151.44 91.2%
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mrlazav 144.03 98.2%
dcb87 131.12 98.2%
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