The Master - Philip Seymour Hoffman

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von indigochaos
If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master, then let the rest of us know, will you? For you'd be the first person in the history of the world.

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mgreen22097 2 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
That's why I chose Jesus. Freest way to live

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typin_ 196.80 96.5%
penguino_beano 172.39 100%
user871724 172.10 97.1%
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restspeaker 165.18 100%
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jamgrex 151.43 100%
practicebutt69 151.21 98.8%
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lsingleton 46.49 87.8%
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reasonablereason 79.23 94.3%
kobo 61.08 88.8%
jsaechao 82.74 85.4%