N/A - YoursTruly

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von yourstruly
Typing well is not a matter of typing fast but a matter of "seeing" clearly. Close your eyes; now let's imagine a keyboard in front of you, preferably yours. Can you see the keys? Are some of them blank? Are some of them brighter and clearer than others? Now, in your mind's eye, type... "this." What do you see?

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 140.68 99.0%
feuv 129.94 99.0%
cuh 109.65 94.0%
trishadgk 108.56 96.9%
jacqueline1234 108.50 97.5%
laura10 102.31 97.8%
strikeemblem 101.91 94.6%
user98852 100.88 96.6%
mbqg1234 96.44 94.0%
peepeepoopoo6969 88.60 93.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user468593 78.32 96.3%
alli_ 64.56 94.8%
bkbroiler 75.93 91.2%
trishadgk 108.56 96.9%
dr_aegon 83.09 94.8%
lpm14 83.81 93.7%
shaikkamarul 77.59 97.8%
user104405 80.83 97.8%