Boring - some dude in class

This quote a été ajouté par user91615
Yeah, so I am in class right now and I don't really want to do the assignment. So I am making this quote instead. May this quote find you, chosen one. God bless you.

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user102120 10 mois, 3 semaines avant
real... I dislike having to do work/homework I wish they'd just banned homework already.
bkliberty 10 mois, 3 semaines avant
What if the chosen one is ur teacher! haha! Yeah pretty true we all hate at least some of the assignments in school.
soaps 1 année, 2 mois avant
Haha I also like to type quotes in class instead of paying attention.
arrathore 1 année, 3 mois avant
Done the assignment yet?
seantype2510 1 année, 7 mois avant
same dawg, I'm in a virtual class rn typing away while the teacher is talking lol
jjp 2 années, 12 mois avant
Get back to work, slacker!
colemak12 3 années, 8 mois avant
Do your assignment, dude.

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