Imperfection | Naruto | - Itachi Uchiha

This quote a été ajouté par baylieateabatte
No single thing is perfect by itself. That's why we're born to attract other things to make up for what we lack. I think we start walking in the right direction only after we start getting our counterparts beside us.

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gnawingmytongue 2 années, 11 mois avant
I'm watching naruto rn and this quote made me think about the Akatski. Considering the Akatski use a buddy system to travel, could this buddy system represent the fact that each Akatski member has something that they are lacking and their buddy makes up for their shortcomings? I haven't gotten too deep into the naruto lore but holly cow this quote really did make me think.
unnavaible 3 années, 10 mois avant
I like Naruto.

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