The Truth Of Nostalgia - Welcome to nightvale

This quote ถูกเพิ่มโดย lady_b
But here is the truth of nostalgia: we don't feel it for who we were, but who we weren't. We feel it for all the possibilities that were open to us, but that we didn't take.


3.5 out of 5 based on 77 ratings.



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Score (WPM) การกระจายสำหรับคำคมนี้. เพิ่มเติม.

คะแนนที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับ typing test

ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
user37933 167.95 98.9%
inw_typer 153.00 55%
stormspirit97 149.28 98.9%
imedatuci 148.68 98.3%
strikeemblem 147.22 99.4%
user66168 146.70 98.3%
user40438 145.20 100%
wolfram 144.79 98.3%
marchtoglory 144.13 98.3%
hiramisu 141.49 97.7%

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ชื่อ WPM ความแม่นยำ
user945745 46.81 89.6%
padenjessica280 48.87 93.0%
jacqueline1234 97.60 96.1%
strikeemblem 147.22 99.4%
user111093 26.13 82.1%
user110706 64.30 93.0%
rockmart 111.11 94.5%
kicko 75.96 86.6%