Nothing - myself

This quote fue agregado por bigmemehehehe
There is nothing that could be considered as: "That, which is not known." Frankly, that's the fact of the matter. That is all for today... farewell. Nothing more, nothing less.

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inferno36 4 meses atrás
this seems intentional, with terrible punctuation, and a quote that doesn't make sense, plus multiple mistakes.. if you are adding a quote, at least do it correctly..
weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
Terrible use of punctuation! You've also typed 'franky' instead of 'frankly'. Why can people not edit their quotes prior to submitting them?

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reasonablereason 88.47 97.2%
sungookee 86.77 92.6%
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pontoko 82.51 90.9%

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