My Best Day - Jalen Scrivner

This quote was added by user37123
The way of the sword does not belong to only one nation, It belongs to all four. Strength Ability and Coolness are some things about it. That was cool.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user37933 144.57 99.3%
user491757 141.46 100%
npabs 110.38 96.2%
user381085 108.33 95.6%
user660825 107.74 99.3%
vishal 107.12 100%
arravalle 105.12 97.4%
postirony 102.35 98.7%
ydydydyd 101.39 99.3%

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sulpicious 61.22 97.4%
jds21265 52.37 92.1%
sagely_425 76.41 93.3%