Get Ready for a Game Changer - Sam Reich

This quote was added by slamuel
The only way to learn is by playing. The only way to win is by learning. And the only way to begin is by beginning. So, without further ado, let's begin.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 174.96 100%
mbqg1234 133.34 98.1%
nathanbyers 116.89 100%
spartantyper 115.56 96.8%
geryjs 115.28 99.4%
jezpher 113.87 96.2%
tjapit 113.19 96.8%
noobplayer 111.29 100%
slamuel 110.84 100%
soupqueen29 109.83 100%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user757189 86.23 100%
maadj 82.55 95.0%
trinityjorie 25.33 91.7%
geryjs 115.28 99.4%
user730610 63.13 96.2%
user110706 69.52 92.7%
slamuel 92.64 92.7%
eversonhua 38.24 93.3%