one thing - Baby Turtle

This quote was added by babyturtle
After discovering this website, I couldn't get enough of it. My WPM has increased tremendously with consistent practice, but higher ranks aren't really what keep me around. I just love these quotes. I thank key-hero for helping me find some of my all time favorites. Is it like that for you, too? It's so fun to see what's out there, waiting to be read and ready to be typed. That's one thing about this site that has me coming back again and again.

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seantype2510 1 year, 3 months ago
ong my favorite typing website

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 156.37 96.4%
user871724 151.83 95.7%
forkhunter 144.92 97.8%
hiramisu 135.81 99.1%
rivendellis 130.42 97.0%
tang 128.98 96.6%
strikeemblem 127.11 96.8%
marib 123.35 96.8%
mafuso 120.94 98.9%
spiritowl 118.43 97.2%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
trishadgk 94.91 88.8%
hellawildtyper 80.48 96.2%
hiramisu 135.81 99.1%
user366833 69.23 95.1%
petrolfume 104.91 95.1%
user111138 42.00 85.2%
bkbroiler 95.58 95.5%
flajoy 55.80 94.5%