Peace - Ana Char

This quote was added by acenge
"I am peace. I choose peace. I have the ability to control my emotions in any given situation and my baseline is peace." Say this a few times a day and you will start to make decisions that lead you towards peacefulness.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
firefingers1992 166.93 100%
typin_ 148.60 93.6%
toinfinity 142.48 98.2%
user491757 133.90 99.1%
typist_type 126.82 99.5%
strikeemblem 125.01 99.1%
jgdude 118.89 96.9%
noobplayer 113.25 98.2%
aharrk 110.73 100%
kicko 108.75 97.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
machinist80 57.56 88.4%
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user91712 98.72 94.8%
adriana-b 68.91 93.2%
adriana-b 72.87 94.8%
sterlingwolf 95.97 97.3%
persei7 70.41 95.7%
firefingers1992 166.93 100%