You know you are suck at typing when ... #1 - TannyBoy

This quote was added by tannyboy
You know you suck at typing when you try to hit the Escape button to avoid a tough quote but you can't even get it right. Instead, you hit the F1 button and a new tab of Google Chrome Help appears on the screen. Now you have to close it first.

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feuv 10 months, 3 weeks ago
ngl, that has happened so many times that I've decided to use Firefox to type here lmao
dcb87 1 year, 7 months ago
Did you just assume my browser??
_julianc_ 1 year, 11 months ago
Lol I've had this happen a few times. Thank god I have a 65% keyboard, so my F keys are hidden under my secondary layer.
stephendumeyer 1 year, 11 months ago
HAHAH this is the most relatable quote, I literally went into my computers admin settings and deactivated the help F1 keybind.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 165.65 98.8%
tang 136.56 99.2%
user491757 126.85 97.6%
user975182 125.81 92.2%
smurfii 125.56 99.2%
strikeemblem 125.47 98.4%
exiamu 124.97 99.6%
rivendellis 124.23 97.6%
bennyues 122.47 96.1%
mrlazav 121.73 95.3%

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s20037797 78.03 94.6%
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liamcantype 33.53 92.0%
someonemyob 50.95 91.4%
msorscher 59.32 91.4%