Typing fast for programming - Anony

This quote was added by user710871
It's actually not that important to be able to type fast for programming. Absolutely, knowing where the keys are reliably helps, but more of the time is spent thinking about the structure of the code than actually typing. Therefore long sentences like these are uncommon outside of comments, and there are usually a lot of punctuation and bracket characters that can slow you down.

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dvorakdan 2 years, 9 months ago
I remember a scene from the X-files where one of the lone gunmen guys was blasting away on a keyboard and thinking how unlikely it was that he'd need to type so much so fast without having to stop and wait for something to happen, or like you say, need to hit some patch of random symbols or need to tab past some stuff. Just didn't feel real, like it was a scene from a b-movie.

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penguino_beano 141.43 97.2%
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2001or2 130.15 95.3%
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bennyues 123.57 94.3%
user98852 122.55 97.7%
tedwom 121.57 96.9%

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