Anyone - Demi Lovato

This quote was added by jessicarusso416
I talk to shooting stars, but they always get it wrong. I feel stupid when I pray. Why am I praying anyway if nobody's listening? Anyone? Please send me anyone!

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divine_. 4 years, 7 months ago

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berryberryberry 141.22 98.2%
tetriks4 129.17 97.6%
ze_or 128.50 98.8%
vmlm 128.07 99.4%
user523355 127.69 98.2%
lenorite 124.30 98.8%
aethkr 124.07 97.0%
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tundan 121.09 97.6%
bobbyllama 121.00 99.4%

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joshsalita30 50.40 90.4%
velvet_thunder 43.04 89.9%
user338043 75.91 96.4%