Micheal Parenti

This quote was added by shawner
The close relationship between politics and economics is neither neutral nor coincidental. Large governments evolve through history in order to protect large accumulations of property and wealth.

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demoncookie666 3 years, 7 months ago

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bunniexo 171.45 99.5%
tulpan 165.05 100%
moonbeams1221 148.07 98.0%
kub1c.elyhyperion 143.45 99.5%
hackertyper492 138.94 98.0%
ltfigs 134.79 99.5%
tang 127.97 98.5%
che0063 127.51 99.0%
gelbuy.iktv_-so 126.61 100%
user86954 125.94 97.5%

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reasonablereason 78.15 98%
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rozzz 67.88 94.7%
strikeemblem 105.06 92.9%
lilianaal 51.77 95.1%