Lilo & Stitch - Nani Pelekai

This quote was added by zee-ro
Sometimes you try your hardest, but things don't work out the way you want them to. Sometimes things have to change, and maybe sometimes they're for the better.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 206.12 100%
rezai 185.10 100%
practicebutt69 182.98 100%
bunniexo 182.79 100%
berryberryberry 180.10 97.0%
asianontheinside 177.15 100%
graben 172.00 100%
cspenguino 167.00 100%
jonathanzhao 162.60 100%
venerated 160.80 100%

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xchaoticchildx 47.02 94.2%
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lsingleton 60.43 96.4%
dante-didit 99.92 97.6%
gwaldrop 105.41 89.4%
user111810 58.98 97.6%
user111749 33.82 92.5%
jacktype 78.92 97.0%