Live - Hpnss

This quote was added by hpnss
The truth is, you'll never know what would happen next. So as long as you have time, enjoy everything that you have. Cherish the people you love and who love you. Do good things. Be happy. Live your life to the fullest.

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user871724 192.05 99.1%
destiny2 163.30 97.3%
u557051 157.22 100%
seanasaur 156.63 100%
wolfram 148.66 95.7%
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stormspirit97 146.28 96.9%
infestedgeek 145.53 97.8%
berryberryberry 145.36 92.9%
kitesinflight 144.71 100%

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omeletstar 102.97 98.6%
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