
This quote was added by mariosonic1236
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes. Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman, rise and shine.

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tang 136.72 95.3%
inw_typer 110.00 93.0%
hhyx 107.90 95.3%
macies1515 102.08 98.8%
brad3856 100.49 98.2%
rkoh 95.83 95.8%
shyhamhalder 95.76 97.0%
tsk7795 87.95 97.6%
willowthewitch 87.69 100%
user105219 87.18 95.8%

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kefshinuser726005 46.33 91.0%
user110167 55.75 98.2%
user105219 87.18 95.8%