This quote was added by bibinvill
There's no point to keep your head face down. When all we see and know and feel is temporary. Spread your arms and keep your head held high. Good things are better taken in, the less you notice.

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Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 122.58 99.5%
space_cadet 121.83 99.5%
topskies 117.05 95.6%
kicko 95.42 93.3%
fueledbypanda 82.24 96.0%
martharose 80.39 94.6%
bsmurthwaite 77.36 94.6%
user101919 73.85 96.0%
user338043 69.01 98.5%
artyne 68.98 96.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
kicko 95.42 93.3%
mike7lap 39.37 98.0%
sergi1582 56.98 88.6%
faizullah 42.54 88.6%
fueledbypanda 82.24 96.0%
user101919 73.85 96.0%
artyne 68.98 96.1%
dcb87 122.58 99.5%