HHKB - Living Speed Bump

This quote was added by user555555
The unique layout of the HHKB was essential in making the smaller size retain its functionality, and the combination of it's layout and size has made it a favorite among programmers and the mechanical keyboard community alike.

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weesin 4 years, 11 months ago
There is an error. It should be 'its' not 'it's'

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Name WPM Accuracy
bsmurthwaite 91.60 96.6%
trishadgk 84.27 87.6%
sweenburg007 75.29 92.6%
jnorwood22 73.77 95.0%
ihatemyself 67.44 92.2%
p23scitech 65.26 98.7%
judeamr 61.58 94.6%
phantomreplayyt 58.88 95.0%
user107642 25.37 97.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
sweenburg007 75.29 92.6%
p23scitech 65.26 98.7%
jnorwood22 73.77 95.0%
user107642 25.37 97.0%
bsmurthwaite 91.60 96.6%
judeamr 61.58 94.6%
trishadgk 84.27 87.6%
ihatemyself 67.44 92.2%