The people - The Dude

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von arwind7249
The people are willing to do whatever it takes to make themselves feel better. The hardest part of this is getting started. One must be able to confront their past and understand it. They need to be able to understand it so they don't make the same mistakes again. This is the human spirit in action.

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brainaider 1 Jahr, 1 Monat vor
Your text was the first time I actually broke 50. Thanks hope you have a nice day.

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user871724 191.41 96.5%
user491757 147.02 99.3%
venerated 146.31 97.1%
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strikeemblem 142.43 98.7%
iltranscendent 136.99 99.0%
jacqueline1234 135.31 99.0%
thelastolympian11 135.13 99.0%
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