Practice, Practice, Practice - lazycat2113

This quote was added by lazycat2113
Practice is vital. It's not only practice, but practice with correction. Mistakes are normal, even to be encouraged. So don't be worried when you make mistakes, because making mistakes is a part of the learning process.

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dvorakdan 7 years, 1 month ago
Man, we're talkin, 'bout practice!

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user871724 159.82 94.8%
kikismythe 148.23 100%
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lytewerk 138.92 98.2%
missarkansas 138.14 99.1%
vmlm 134.19 98.2%
simgishel 134.08 99.1%
krey 133.65 97.3%
anna_zhao 133.45 98.6%
cosmicmagic 131.59 94.4%

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user871724 155.04 93.6%
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henninger666 40.39 96.1%