Bamboo Tree - Unknown

This quote was added by hwest
We'll build a bungalow big enough for two. Big enough for two my darling, big enough for two. And when we're married, happy we'll be. Under the bamboo, under the bamboo tree.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
jaesynn 116.97 98.9%
nomi589 100.21 97.2%
vmlm 98.06 98.3%
nhwangbo 91.86 90.7%
lasarah514 90.15 95.1%
jan_londen 88.89 96.1%
prodigy5723 88.51 98.3%
fcgpc279 86.94 100%
donoshea 83.91 93.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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murasuzu 60.34 94.6%
user440868 69.57 95.1%
bellasmom 59.16 95.1%
bluejay 68.71 94.1%
tsquared76 64.57 95.1%