Love - Manalan

This quote was added by mana
I think this is the hard and healthy thing that makes man perfect. Love is life and life is love. Feel the romance and let the life be one of the best ever inspiration for others.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
charlesblackmon 144.34 100%
yoshithecat 143.78 99.4%
andrbroo1 143.20 98.9%
dcb87 141.75 100%
vmlm 140.79 100%
d3v0t3d2dav3 136.30 100%
vesraka 135.32 98.9%
user40438 133.39 97.8%
marathe87 133.17 99.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 141.75 100%
dcb87 138.06 99.4%
shaikkamarul 91.02 97.3%
raintr33 75.57 96.8%
flynimb 34.35 86.1%
srunyon831 55.66 96.8%
blue42666 88.69 94.7%
eventlogging 170.00 100%