He Who Fights With Monsters - Shirtaloon

This quote was added by rightclickman
An interesting fact about the goddess of knowledge is that she knows everything that anyone in this world knows, including me. Which means she knows a bunch of Mario Kart shortcuts, which is kind of awesome.

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Name WPM Accuracy
mafuso 131.55 100%
feuv 130.78 97.2%
jacqueline1234 126.44 98.1%
iltranscendent 125.80 100%
kaiserpepper 125.40 95.0%
spiritowl 124.34 100%
laura10 121.82 99.0%
valiantcorvus 121.02 100%
strikeemblem 120.85 97.2%
memgo 120.17 98.1%

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bweeta 93.72 96.7%
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moe20244 65.67 95.8%
tsquared76 77.66 95.8%
mechazawa 66.92 95.8%
shivnath 34.41 91.6%
user100547 57.74 93.2%