Eternal Ignorance - Mihael Radjail

This quote was added by hlraeth
You will realize that just because you don't really understand where they are coming from, does not mean what they are saying is automatically invalid.

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user871724 201.29 95.0%
fant0m 196.25 100%
ibnadam 186.09 100%
berryberryberry 181.60 100%
bennyues 166.91 100%
firefingers1992 161.86 98.1%
feuv 161.32 98.7%
tang 159.80 98.7%
venerated 158.45 97.4%
user491757 158.36 100%

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user468593 83.27 97.4%
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baboom 67.55 88.9%