A title of a quote - :))))

This quote was added by huhkdog
Progress is not linear. Don't worry if your speed does not increase and just make sure that your accuracy is not low. Make sure to take frequent breaks. You can do it! You can reach your goal.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 177.30 91.5%
suikacider 157.41 98.0%
theprivateeye 154.29 100%
user491757 153.97 100%
user64764 149.82 99.0%
user697099 147.23 98.0%
notmytempo 144.42 100%
laura10 143.95 100%
keyherohero 143.78 96%
fattied 141.71 99.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user107405 67.50 99.5%
snow94 100.74 99.0%
petrolfume 85.45 88.9%
cheeserat 76.08 98.5%
ajavalle 95.14 94.6%
user692240 49.39 82.2%
user273397 20.52 92.8%
user381085 106.83 91.4%