Know Who You Are - Moana

This quote was added by lonelycrier2.0
I have crossed the horizon to find you. I know your name. They have stolen the heart from inside you. But this does not define you. This is not who you are. You know who you are.

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user871724 195.86 97.3%
restspeaker 166.08 100%
berryberryberry 165.57 95.2%
guest._. 164.73 99.4%
seantype2510 157.96 99.4%
toinfinity 151.19 95.7%
user491757 150.48 96.2%
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venerated 149.17 94.7%
strikeemblem 146.40 97.8%

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astrid17 83.08 96.7%