Truth and Lies - Unknown

This quote was added by laurenbickert83
"The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. And a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." This is something my mother told me and I've never been able to forget. Thinking about it brings me both clarity and confusion.

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user871724 175.28 97.5%
graben 173.41 99.6%
johnymaccarroni 167.40 98.3%
hackertyper492 160.86 97.9%
penguino_beano 148.99 99.6%
venerated 148.93 97.9%
iltranscendent 146.92 99.6%
user491757 143.02 99.1%
km172123 138.45 99.1%
onetwothreefour1234 137.81 100%

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jacquelinesharp 69.14 100%
user419426 44.49 91.7%