Serena Federer

This quote was added by sillysad
Most people don't know what love is. They think it is formed by a connection with another person who has common interests, or that it can save an infant from the Death Curse. Only tennis players know its true meaning.

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zhang 2 years, 8 months ago
hehe new high score
smokemifugottem 3 years, 2 months ago
Ooh Ooh, I think I know this one! I don't play tennis but is it.. ummm... no points! YES! I WIN!

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zhang 175.44 98.6%
hackertyper492 169.75 96.4%
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fant0m 164.21 100%
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bennyues 157.54 97.3%
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69buttpractice 156.94 100%
user939249 155.77 96.5%
practicebutt69 153.62 100%

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user781461 70.97 94.4%
dcb87 126.07 99.5%