Neil Gaiman

This quote was added by donlivingston
Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here.

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Name WPM Accuracy
fant0m 185.43 100%
user871724 184.02 92%
venerated 165.51 100%
69buttpractice 164.06 100%
berryberryberry 163.91 93.6%
user491757 161.73 100%
user401321 158.27 100%
ayruku 155.56 98.8%
destiny-00 150.19 100%
user64764 149.62 97.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user85368 98.06 98.8%
engl3king06 61.92 82.6%
slaughtermelon 85.87 98.2%
skilzz 58.94 91.0%
tsquared76 76.81 95.8%
genghismckhan 71.82 97.6%
diamondrock 79.75 91.0%
msorscher 73.39 97.6%